Welding Inspection

Welding Procedures


Welding inspection is a trough involvement proccess that begins at design of component or structures. As stated in AWS B1.10 welding inspection shall be carried out from the beginning to the end, during the design, our staff can assist showing critical inspection points and hot points.

Visual Inspection


Once Welding has started the Inspector assists the process in order to assess the critical points such as weld root passes in internal pressurized pipes.
Following the code requirements, inspectors can visually detect relevant discontinuities and proceed with proper repairs.



NDT and Volumetric Ultrasonic Examination. Visual Inspection is not enough to detect discontinuities that can severely affect the joint integrity, other methods are required to increase the probability of detection as Pentrant Testing and Magnetic Particles Testing. Volumetric examination is also required by major used codes, Endalloy has expert capabilities in the application of Ultrasonic Volumetric Methods as Pulse Echo, Phased Arrays, TOFD and others.

Ultrasonic Inspection Techniques

Endalloy is leader in the aplication of ultrasonic thecniques in order to realize welding volumetric inspection volumétrica always using other none destructive methods in a complementary way.