Microestructural Evaluation

Metallographic Replicas


Most of materials damage mechanisms could be successfully diagnosed through carefully examination of field metallographic replicas.
The parent image corresponds to a classical ferritic-perlitic low carbon steel (0.2 to 0.3% C).



Some atmospheres together with exposure to high temperatures (as in creep range) could affect the intrinsic perlitic or bainitic structure of steels, with the associated lost of mechanical properties and creating conditions for different types of subsequent damage mechanisms in the material.
This damage mechanism can be easily detected by means of metallography.



Carbides spheroidization is a another damage mechanism that can be observed using metallograpic field replicas.
In the case of materials used at high temperatures, spheroidization must be avoided because it leads to a decrease in the mechanical properties increasing plastic deformation via creep mechanisms with the subsequent failure of components.



Material cracking can be produced from very different reasons, these failure mechanisms can be detected at early stages through field metallography.
Hydrogen damage, Stress Corrosion Cracking, eutectic phased at grain boundary are some of the possible causes of microcracking